Ziggy’s Apps Archive

Ziggy471’s Manila File Backup

Posted February 8, 2010 By Ziggy471

Again, just another step towards a Backup and Restore application.  Since I needed to verify that I could determine if a file was cooked into the ROM or added/replaced later, I figured I’d make a little test application for that.

This quick little app gives you the ability to backup Windows*manila files.  You have three choices as to which ones to backup, ‘In ROM’, ‘Not in ROM’, or ‘All’.  Once you hit the ‘Go’ button, and selecting where to save the zip file, just sit back and wait, a full backup takes about 1-2 minutes, zipping that much is slow.

Ziggy471's Manila File Backup (741 downloads)


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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App

Posted February 8, 2010 By Ziggy471

This is just one of the steps in creating a complete backup and restore application.  This version currently exports the following:

  • Email account settings
  • Exchange account settings
  • Communication Planner settings (i.e. Connection timeouts, HKLMCommConnMgrPlannerSettings)
  • VPN Settings
  • Basic Owner information to include:
    • The ‘Me’ Contact card
    • Facebook account information
    • Default Ringtone
    • ActiveSync Settings
    • Bluetooth Pairings
    • Manila Tabs with order
    • Home tab quick links

This was all done primarily for Manila 2.5, since I’m currently running MightyRom War.  Again, this is a work in progress.

If there are any reg settings or files that you can think of to add, please visit the forum and chime in.

DOWNLOAD REMOVED, new version posted.


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