Ziggy’s Apps Archive

Ziggy’s Backup App

Posted May 8, 2010 By Ziggy471

Sorry all, due to a very long honey-do list and the nice weather, I haven’t had much time to work on my backup/restore app recently.  I do plan on taking some time off of work here soon to start working on it again.

What I would like from all that read this are recommendations on what I should add in next.


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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.7.1

Posted March 11, 2010 By Ziggy471

Since some people seem to not notice that I’ve yet to implement the Restore feature, I added text to the Restore tab that states that.  I added the Restore tab, because I figured I was done with the backup portion and could start on the Restore, but due to the problems, extra long work hours, and having a wife/life, I never did implement it when planned originally.

Information as to what features will be added when can be seen here:
Ziggy’s Backup and Restore Application Version Information

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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.7

Posted March 10, 2010 By Ziggy471

Bugfix: Was not unescaping ‘ or ” properly
Speedup the export, almost as good as it used to be, however, with the added keys from the last version, I can’t really make it much faster right now.

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Since there is still some confusion as to where I’m going with this application, I figured I’d lay it out.

Here are my plans so far:
0.3.X: Finish the export routines
0.4.X: Add in the backing up of files, with the ability to select ones that were not cooked into the ROM.
0.5.X: Restore functionality in the GUI.
0.6.X: Move to Native Code, i.e. Faster execution as opposed to faster development.
0.7.x – 1.0: Add command line support to allow ZBR to be cooked into a ROM as a backup and restore solution. It will also replace the ‘Clear Storage’ link so that it will prompt the user to do a backup, since I tend to forget prior to a Hard Reset.


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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.6

Posted March 8, 2010 By Ziggy471

Alright, here’s a newer version that now exports Twitter passwords so that they can be re-imported successfully. It was very painful, but finally figured it out.

Before anyone says it’s slower, it’s slower, I added a little counter at the bottom of the screen so you know it’s working. I also added more keys for it to backup in the ZBRConfig.xml.

Last thing, to make it clear, there still is no restore feature, that is planned for a later release.

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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.5

Posted March 2, 2010 By Ziggy471

Alright, this is a re-write of the registry export, it should now be able to export anything into a RegEdit v5 (Unicode) format. I’ve already tested this by exporting my entire registry, and all keys where supported. If a key is not supported, it will notify you to notify me.

Please give it a test run and let me know how it goes.

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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.2

Posted February 23, 2010 By Ziggy471

Just fixed the Start Menu link, oops.

Here’s another bugfix, I found that path strings were not escaped properly during my last flash, so I fixed that.  Also defaulted to RegEdt v5 for the export, no selection anymore.  Finally, I split the reg exports into 2 files, that way you can import the personal.reg AFTER you have installed programs that may over-write them.

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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3.1

Posted February 21, 2010 By Ziggy471

This is just a bug fix to v0.3.  I’ve started the Restore part, but have not included it in this version, since it’s not complete yet.

NOTE: Please double check the reg file, I had to write my own routines to do the export, since .Net Compact Framework does not have registry export capabilities.   I also didn’t want to have to use an external app like XDA_UC and Sahimi do.

This is a re-write of version 0.2.  This version exports separate XML files for the following:

  • Email account settings (email.xml)
  • Exchange account settings (sync.xml)
  • Communication Planner settings (i.e. Connection timeouts, HKLMCommConnMgrPlannerSettings) (conplanner.xml)
  • VPN Settings (vpn.xml)
  • Wi-Fi Settings (wifi.xml)

It also exports the following registry entries to owner.reg:

  • Basic Owner information to include:
    • The ‘Me’ Contact card
    • Facebook account information
    • Default Ringtone
    • Bluetooth Pairings
    • Manila Tabs with order
    • Home tab quick links

This version also adds a configuration file, ZBRConfig.xml, located in the “Windows” directory.  All export files are saved to the “Temp” directory.  Again, this is a work in progress.

If there are any reg settings or files that you can think of to add, please visit the forum and chime in.

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Ziggy471’s Backup Test App v0.3

Posted February 15, 2010 By Ziggy471

There is a known error in this version, if one of the registry keys being exported does not exist, the program will die.  I mistakenly try to close a non-existent registry key, thanks for finding the error dmoney.  I have it already fixed, but since I’m in the process of finishing the restore part, I won’t be releasing it just yet.

NOTE: Please double check the reg file, I had to write my own routines to do the export, since .Net Compact Framework does not have registry export capabilities.   I also didn’t want to have to use an external app like XDA_UC and Sahimi do.

This is a re-write of version 0.2.  This version exports separate XML files for the following:

  • Email account settings (email.xml)
  • Exchange account settings (sync.xml)
  • Communication Planner settings (i.e. Connection timeouts, HKLMCommConnMgrPlannerSettings) (conplanner.xml)
  • VPN Settings (vpn.xml)
  • Wi-Fi Settings (wifi.xml)

It also exports the following registry entries to owner.reg:

  • Basic Owner information to include:
    • The ‘Me’ Contact card
    • Facebook account information
    • Default Ringtone
    • Bluetooth Pairings
    • Manila Tabs with order
    • Home tab quick links

This version also adds a configuration file, ZBRConfig.xml, located in the “Windows” directory.  All export files are saved to the “Temp” directory.  Again, this is a work in progress.

If there are any reg settings or files that you can think of to add, please visit the forum and chime in.

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Ziggy471’s Registry Test App

Posted February 14, 2010 By Ziggy471

Here’s yet another test app in my process of doing a Backup and Restore app.

This one right now only allows for exporting of registry values.  It supports both ASCII (Reg Edit v4) and Unicode (Reg Edit v5) files.  It does have the following limitations:

There is now limited error checking, let me know what I missed.

  • Registry key types:
    • MultiString (REG_MULTI_SZ)
    • ExpandString (REG_EXPAND_SZ)
    • DWord(REG_DWORD)
    • Binary (REG_BINARY)
    • String (REG_SZ)
  • Root Keys
  • There is no save dialog, it just saves it as the same name/location of the configuration file, but with a .reg file extension.

The configuration file is very simple, I included an example in the zip file, it includes most of the owner and personal information you should need to re-import after a hard reset/flash.  There are basically two types of lines that you can have in the configuration file:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelOwner – This would export all values stored in that key
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelOwner,E-Mail,Name – This only exports the E-Mail and Name values
Ziggy471's Registry Test (631 downloads)


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